To join an Official MarineParents.com Facebook group, you need to answer all three membership questions in Facebook interface when you click to join. Please allow 24-48 hours for your membership to be approved. Your membership will not be approved if you do not respond to each of the three questions.
Official MarineParents.com WAB Groups
After boot camp and ten-day leave, your new Marine will go to School of Infantry (SOI) for additional training. From there, all but 03XX MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) will go to MOS Schools around the nation.
For more information about which group to join and "What's After Boot Camp" see www.WhatsAfterBoot.com.
- SOI: MCT, West (at Camp Pendleton, CA: for NON-Infantry Marines)
- SOI: ITB, West (at Camp Pendleton, CA: for INFANTRY Marines - 03xx)
- SOI: MCT, East (at Camp Geiger, NC: for NON-Infantry Marines)
- SOI: ITB, East (Camp Geiger, NC: for INFANTRY Marines - 03xx)
- Marine Corps MOS (Military Occupational Specialty: After graduation from SOI)