Team Marine Parents Volunteers
We have two amazing volunteers, Lisa Gutierrez and Shannon Perez, that are coaches for our TMP runners.

Volunteer Appreciation: Team Marine Parents
Team Marine Parents™ (TMP) is a group of individuals, generally parents, family and friends of Marines, who participate in athletic events nationwide to support our troops. The mission is to raise funds and awareness of the organization's outreach programs.
We have two amazing volunteers, Lisa Gutierrez and Shannon Perez, that are coaches for our TMP runners.
Lisa and Shannon do an awesome job recruiting runners for the team, helping our runners with fundraising tips, and setting a marathon training plan to prepare TMP participants for the 43rd Marine Corps Marathon and MCM10K.
2017 Success
In 2017, Lisa and Shannon led 45 team members as they participated in over 68 different events across the country. Together the team raised $30,504.23 for the outreach programs of Last October, 35 of our team members participated in the Marine Corps Marathon and the MCM10K in Washington DC. These runners ran in honor of nine fallen service members. Each runner wore a ribbon with a fallen hero's name and photo on it and attached it to their bibs with a battle cross lapel pin. Thank you, TMP runners, for honoring Gold Star family members. Click here to read more about the 2017 MCM weekend success.

Lisa Gutierrez

Shannon Perez
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