Posting Rule #4: No Advertising, Soliciting, or Fundraising
Advertising, soliciting, fundraising or spamming are not permitted. Posts and comments mentioning other services, organizations, businesses, solicitation, fundraising, or spam will be removed and the member in violation will be removed from the group.
Ten Rules for Posting on Facebook
Rule #1: Remember Our Mission & Be Kind
Rule #2: OPSEC, PERSEC, Respect, & Privacy
Rule #3: Marine Corps Privacy & Business
Rule #4: No Advertising, Soliciting or Fundraising
Rule #5: Other Social Media & PMs
Rule #6: Links, Websites, News, & Articles
Rule #7: Military Incidences & Casualties
Rule #8: Copyright, Photos, & Videos
Application and Examples
- Advertising, soliciting, fundraising or spamming are not permitted.
- Posts and comments mentioning other services, organizations, businesses, solicitation, fundraising, or spam will be removed.
- Members in violation of this rule will be removed from the group.
- We encourage vendors wanting to sell products or services to advertise on our websites. See Advertising Rates for more information.
- If you would like to publish a military event on Marine Parents or in one of our Facebook Groups, please complete an EVENT REQUEST FORM. Visit our CONTACT page for more information.
- If you would like to suggest a link or resource be added to one of the Marine Parents web sites so it may be included in one of our Facebook Groups, please complete a RESOURCE REQUEST FORM. Visit our CONTACT page for more information.
- If you are a recruit family member who needs financial assistance to attend boot camp graduation for your recruit, you may qualify for assistance through our MarineParents.com Travel Assistance program. Visit our MPTA page for more information.