Posting Rule #5: Other Social Media & PMs
Posts or comments which include social media groups other than Official MarineParents.com Facebook Groups are not permitted. We discourage PMs; requests to PM group members are not permitted. Moderators and Admins for like-groups will be removed from our groups.
Ten Rules for Posting on Facebook
Rule #1: Remember Our Mission & Be Kind
Rule #2: OPSEC, PERSEC, Respect, & Privacy
Rule #3: Marine Corps Privacy & Business
Rule #4: No Advertising, Soliciting or Fundraising
Rule #5: Other Social Media & PMs
Rule #6: Links, Websites, News, & Articles
Rule #7: Military Incidences & Casualties
Rule #8: Copyright, Photos, & Videos
Application and Examples
- Posting or mentioning information about, links to, or names of other Facebook groups or social media networks outside of Official MarineParents.com Facebook Groups is not permitted.
- Use of our groups or social media networks to solicit members to join another group, network, or program will result in suspension of membership in our groups.
- Admins and/or moderators for other "like-groups" will be removed from our groups.
- We discourage all Private Messaging (PM) in military communities as it poses a security risk; no one can assure the enemy is not part of the group.
- Requests to have members send a PM are not permitted and will be removed from our groups.
- Repeat offenses asking for members to PM one another will result in the member(s) being removed from our groups.
- To learn more, about PMs and social media, please read this article from our Founder.